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Helsinki Synth City logo

want to play in Helsinki synth city events?

This is our form for artists  who are keen to play in Helsinki Synth City events. Anything that falls  under the umbrella of synthwave, we are interested. By submitting your information you will ensure that you’ll stay up to date about our Helsinki Synth City events and activities. We will send you updates on possible event slots, remix competitions and collaborations.


We’ve got only one rule:

Helsinki Synth City values their audience and wants to ensure Helsinki Synth City events feature artists performing live. Purely DJ based artists are not in our scope at the moment. So if you sing, play a synth or any other instrument live –> You are the one we are looking for.

Helsinki Synth City Crew

Check out more information below if this didn’t get you excited?

Helsinki Synth City logo

since May 2019

Our events


Succesful events


Total amount of visitors in our events


7 Spotify playlists with good conversion

For the artists


We always pay the agreed sum to artists

live experience

We ensure the best live experience for artists and audience


We provide you with our standard contract to minimise surprises on both sides


We market our events always in the coolest ways. Like augmented reality, videos and social media .


Through our events you will get good connections for additional events, collaboration and opportunities.


Our social media channels and marketing provide excellent visibility for the artist performing.

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